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Extensions permises: .jpg, .gif, .jpeg, .png, .txt, .pdf, .otf, .xl, .xlxs, .doc, .docx, .xlx, .m4a (Max file size: 2MB)

Full Name

The location will determine the email address @domain.com.

Does the staff member require a dedicated laptop?

Does the staff member require Adobe software access?

Does the staff member required Google Voice

Does this staff member require Aloha access?

Does this staff member require Toast access?

Does this staff member require the ability to utilize two screens at once?

Does this staff member require digital fax access?

Please list any groups and shared drives you would like the staff member to have. Note: team@ and NW Resources shared drive are always added to new user accounts.

Does this staff member require a standing desk?

Does this staff member require VPN access?

Please define where the staff member will work most often or department.

Does this staff member require their own Office account?


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